To those that don’t know me too well might think that this blog title means there’s going to be tiny little feet running around our house soon, and you’d be half right … and those that do know me will know that this means that those tiny little feet are actually paws! A dear friend ours came home from trip to Texas to find the little kitten (of about 9 months) she left in the care of her husband and 3 sons was prego! I’m not saying her husband is to blame, in his defense those 3 sons are a handful!! She let me know that if we were ready to be kitty parents again we had first pick of the litter… well, as it turns out I might have been the hold up all this time for us to jump into pet parent-hood. Mike has all for it! So I told her that we would claim 2 of the little bundles when they made their appearance… then we waited for them to be born… April 19th around 5 in the evening I got the first text that the little ones were on the way! Our friend is an experienced animal person so she ha
odds and ends from an OCD crafty mind