Six months ago five little tiny fur balls were born… Two came to live with us… and WE haven’t been the same since! WOW, they have GROWN so much and continue to push the limits. Heck, just this past Saturday, Ponch and Jon where playing in/with a box in the dining room (wood floor) and somehow Ponch took a tumble IN the box down the steps to the basement… While we don’t have any proof, we are pretty sure that Jon pushed the box over the edge! Ponch was a little dizzy at the bottom as he climbed out of the box, Jon was quite proud of himself! All I can say is, I’m glad they have kitty insurance! They both love to nap in the oddest positions… Jon’s favorite is on his tummy with both back legs straight our behind him! Ponch likes to sleep right next to my face at night… try waking up to the alarm clock at 4:40 AM and get a furry paw in the eye! The two of them got ‘fixed’ a few weeks ago and they really put it on thick for the ladies at the vet. They just LOVED them… they se
odds and ends from an OCD crafty mind